We have just mailed Cancer Council NSW's tax appeal, and were privileged to tell the story of a beautiful little girl named Emily, who was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer just weeks before her first birthday. Emily's mum was kind enough to open up to us and allow us to share their difficult journey, the highs and the lows of the diagnosis, the treatment, the recovery and of course their hope for Emily's future. You can read more about Emily's story, and make a gift to help Cancer Council NSW fund more research and treatments for children with cancer by visiting their website.
On the response form, we invited donors to send some words of encouragement to Emily and her family. Cancer Council NSW have started to receive the most beautiful messages from their supporters and I am thrilled that they shared some with us. Reading these messages made me smile, made me cry, and reminded me how lucky I am to do what I do. As a fundraiser, I get to connect with people every single day - to share stories with them - to inspire them - and to give them the chance to make a difference. And these people are extraordinary people, who like me, believe our world can be better.
I know engagement devices are nothing new, but if you are not already doing them, start. Not on every appeal, and only when its relevant, but not only will they increase response, they will give you something to smile about.